Studio spaces are currently full. Please contact us for a tour or application for our wait list. Thank you!


Studio Union provides a hive for emerging and established artists to interact, develop new work and share in public exhibitions in a 3100sq ft building. We are currently 10 units of 100 sq ft with shared communal and storage space throughout the building. Six of the bays are allocated in the clay area with 4 for other media. Artists can rent one unit at $345/month or multiple units at that rate. Shared spaces are available with artists each paying $200/month. We accept applications on a rolling basis, with the 1st of each month acting as the deadline for the following month's vacancies (i.e. August 1 deadline for September 1 availability).

Studio Union is a professional art space with a mission to have long-term, affordable rent for creatives in a dynamic and inspiring communal environment. We are nestled in a strongly-rooted residential community. Our hope is to empower artists with this nurturing space while connecting with our surrounding neighbors as we develop our own history here. As a Studio Union Resident Artist, we encourage 2 or more hours a month to be dedicated towards our mission, either in the space itself or the community at large.

Are you an artist or maker looking for studio space? Please introduce yourself. We’ll pass along an application and share information about how you might join us.
